SeaSeep Dados de Petróleo Ltda is an Oil & Gas Data Acquisition Company that provides geophysical data and services to the oil & gas industry.


Company Focus

Business Model
SeaSeep has focused on data aquisition in new frontier areas, developing different types of surveys that will reduce the risk and the exploration cycle-time for E&P companies.

Business Lines
Our objective is to collect Multi-beam, Geochemical, Geotechnical, 2D Seismic and other data types in acticipation of the market demand.

    • Deep/Shallow Water Multi-beam

Multi-beam is a method to acquire bathymetry and backscatter data with high resolution.
This data is used to provide 3D maps of seafloor topography and infer about your petro-physical properties.

    • Geochemical Piston Core

We can take piston core more than 3500 m dep. On the core we take samples to geochemical analysis to know about generation potential, maturity and age of source rock.

    • Geotechnical

Piston Core With this core is possible to deduce about geotechnical properties of seafloor, like than gran size, cohesion and shear strength.

    • HeatFlow

Measure of heat flow are used in basin modeling and can predict instability zone of gas hydrate.

    • 2D Seismic

Is one of better manner to visualize the subsurface sedimentary strata, faults and other geological features. Is a good method to start the exploratory campaign and define the main leads at interest area.

    • Magnetic Telluric (MT)

Is a electromagnetic method that can infer about electrical resistivity contrasts among sedimentary strata. Don’t cause environmental impact and can acquired good information on places with low seismic signal.

    • Geohazards

All offshore challengers are very expensive and safety is necessary. With our data we can provide geohazard studies as preliminary information to the client take the best decision regarding the different phases of exploration, field development and production.

    • Geological and Geophysical Consulting

With 2D seismic, Multibeam, geochemical and heat flow data we can develop a big knowledge about area and give support to geological and geophysical exploratory works.

  • Environmental Survey and Monitoring

We can acquire sediment samples using Piston core, Box core, Vibra core and water sampling, metocean data and many others environmental data for different applications as environmental licensing, environmental monitoring for exploration, production, and other activities.

  • Metocean

Metocean monitoring is an method to collect several oceanographic and meteorological parameters for different applications including, ocean studies,  weather forecasting, climate studies, offshore operations, resource maritime safety navigation, among others.

  • AUV Survey

The vehicle is commonly known as unmanned underwater vehicle. AUVs can be used for underwater survey projects as Geophysical survey, Ship wrecks researches with several applications as Subsea construction, subsea engineering, marine research, marine mining, hazard to navigation, etc. The AUV conducts its survey project without operator intervention.

  • ROV Services

Defined as Remotely Operated Vehicle is an underwater robot that is connected to a ship by a different type of cables. These cables transmit command and control signals between the operator and the ROV, allowing remote navigation of the vehicle. An ROV may include a video camera, lights, sonar, Multibeam systems, and an articulating arm or it can be configured for a specific service like inspection, intervention, retrieving objects, cutting lines, etc.

The success of ROV is the capability to work safely in areas where the man cannot reach diving.

  • Environmental Survey

Piston core, box core, water sampling and others sampling types can be better orientate with previously knowledge of seafloor properties.  We can use our data to predict this information.